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The unforgiving Texas sun isn’t the only worry for homeowners. Powerful hailstorms can wreak havoc, damaging roofs, siding, and windows. But what happens when you…


The Texas Panhandle is grappling with the largest wildfire in its history, a disaster that has already claimed lives, homes, businesses, and thousands of cattle.…


Navigating the aftermath of water damage in your home can be a daunting ordeal. The process often involves detailed insurance claims, rigorous inspections, and, unfortunately,…


Have you ever wondered what ‘sudden and accidental damage’ actually means in your insurance policy? This term is crucial for homeowners, signaling the difference between…


Navigating the complex world of property insurance often feels like trying to find your way through a maze, blindfolded. The fine print and insurance jargon?…


Navigating the labyrinth of insurance claims can often feel like trying to solve a puzzle without all the pieces. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a…


Short post today, but I just have to say – insurance companies have gotten ridiculously slow at responding to emails. Its INSANE. I’ve been working…


When I started dealing with my own personal burst pipe claim with Allstate, I quickly realized that I wasn’t actually speaking to any Allstate employees.…

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