What is a Public Adjuster?

Denied Insurance Claims: What to Do When Your Insurance Company Refuses to Pay

Denied insurance claim

When faced with the daunting scenario of an insurance company refusing to pay for a covered claim, policyholders may find themselves navigating a labyrinth of frustration and confusion. However, it’s crucial to remember that this is not the end of the road. Armed with the right knowledge and strategies, you can effectively challenge the insurer’s decision and strive for a favorable resolution.

This blog post is designed to serve as a beacon, guiding you through the murky waters of insurance claims, disputes, and resolutions. Our goal is to help you reverse a denied insurance claim decision.


Dealing with an insurance claim denial can be one of the most disheartening experiences for policyholders. Such situations often evoke feelings of helplessness and injustice, particularly when you’re convinced that your claim falls well within the scope of your policy’s coverage. The complexities of insurance policies, coupled with the intricate procedures involved in contesting a denial, can exacerbate the stress and anxiety experienced during such times. Yet, it’s important to stand firm and explore every avenue available for redress.

The pathway to resolving a dispute with your insurance company involves several critical steps, each designed to build a robust case in your favor. From a thorough review of your policy to the potential involvement of legal professionals, this guide aims to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate this challenging process. Let’s embark on this journey, ensuring you’re well-prepared to advocate for your rights as a policyholder.

Review Your Policy

The foundation of any claim dispute resolution lies in a comprehensive understanding of your insurance policy. Policies are often dense with legal and technical jargon that can obscure the clarity of coverage. Taking the time to meticulously review your policy is the first and most crucial step in determining the validity of your claim and the insurer’s rationale for denial.

  • Understand Your Coverage: Begin by identifying the specific sections of your policy that pertain to your claim. Pay close attention to the definitions, exclusions, and conditions sections, as these often contain critical details that affect coverage.
  • Gather Evidence: Compiling evidence is paramount in challenging a denial. This includes photographs of the damage or incident, repair estimates, medical reports, receipts, and any other documentation that supports your claim. These pieces of evidence serve as the backbone of your argument against the denial.
  • Eyewitness Statements: If applicable, gather statements from witnesses. These accounts can provide additional perspectives and details that may bolster your case.
  • Policy Ambiguities: Insurance policies may contain ambiguous language that can be interpreted in more than one way. Identifying such ambiguities can work in your favor, as courts often interpret unclear policy language in favor of the insured.

By thoroughly reviewing your policy and gathering the necessary evidence, you establish a solid foundation for contesting the insurer’s decision. This preparatory work not only aids in understanding the insurer’s position but also in crafting a detailed and compelling argument for why your claim should be reconsidered.

As we progress through the steps to challenge an insurance claim denial, remember that knowledge, preparation, and persistence are your greatest allies. The journey may be arduous, but with the right approach and resources, you can significantly improve your chances of reaching a satisfactory resolution. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the subsequent steps, including contacting your insurance company, filing an appeal, and when necessary, seeking external assistance through public adjusters or legal representation.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Once you’ve armed yourself with a thorough understanding of your policy and gathered all necessary evidence, the next step is to initiate direct contact with your insurance company. This step is crucial for two reasons: it offers an opportunity to understand the insurer’s perspective on the denial and opens a dialogue for potentially resolving the dispute without escalating to formal appeals or legal action.

  • Request a Detailed Explanation: When you contact your insurer, ask for a comprehensive explanation of why your claim was denied. Request that they point out the specific policy language that justifies their decision. This information is vital for any further action you might take.
  • Document Everything: Keep a detailed record of all communications with your insurance company. Note down the date, time, and the name of the representative you spoke with, as well as a summary of the conversation. This documentation can be invaluable in case of further disputes or if you decide to appeal the decision.
  • Clarify Your Position: Clearly explain why you believe the claim should be covered, referencing specific parts of your policy and the evidence you’ve collected. Be concise and focused in your communication, avoiding emotional arguments and sticking to the facts.
  • Ask About the Review Process: Inquire about the insurer’s process for reviewing contested claims. Understanding this process can help you prepare for the next steps, whether it’s filing a formal appeal or seeking external assistance.

Engaging with your insurance company in a proactive and informed manner can sometimes lead to a quick resolution. However, if the response remains unfavorable, it’s time to consider escalating the matter by filing an appeal.

File An Appeal

If your initial attempt to resolve the claim with your insurance company doesn’t lead to a satisfactory outcome, the next step is to formally file an appeal. The appeal process allows you to contest the denial and have your case reviewed, typically by a different set of eyes within the insurance company.

  • Understand the Appeals Process: Each insurance company has its own procedure for appeals. Familiarize yourself with this process by reviewing your policy documents or asking the company directly. Ensure you understand the deadlines for submitting an appeal, as missing these can forfeit your right to challenge the denial.
  • Prepare Your Appeal Letter: Draft a detailed appeal letter that includes your policy number, claim number, and a clear statement of why you are appealing the denial. Include references to specific policy provisions, evidence supporting your claim, and any additional information that wasn’t provided with the initial claim.
  • Include Additional Evidence: The appeal process is an opportunity to submit any new evidence or information that supports your claim. This can include more detailed estimates, additional photos, or expert opinions that weren’t initially available.
  • Follow Up: After submitting your appeal, follow up regularly with the insurance company to check on the status of your appeal. Continue to document all communications during this phase.

Filing an appeal is a critical step in challenging a denied insurance claim. It requires careful preparation and attention to detail to present a compelling case for why the denial should be overturned. By methodically following the insurer’s appeals process and clearly articulating your argument, you enhance your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Persistently pursuing your claim through these channels underscores your commitment to seeking justice and fair treatment under your policy. While the process may be time-consuming and occasionally complex, the potential to secure the coverage you rightfully deserve is a worthy incentive.

Contact a Public Adjuster

If your appeal doesn’t yield the desired outcome, or if you find the insurance claims process too complex and daunting, it may be time to consider enlisting the help of a public adjuster. Public adjusters are licensed professionals who specialize in managing insurance claims on behalf of policyholders. Their expertise in insurance policy language, claims processing, and negotiation can prove invaluable, especially in cases where large sums or complicated claims are involved.

  • Expertise and Advocacy: Public adjusters work exclusively for you, the policyholder, not the insurance company. They bring an in-depth understanding of insurance policies and the claims process, ensuring that your claim is presented in the most favorable light.
  • Comprehensive Claim Evaluation: A public adjuster will thoroughly assess your claim, including reviewing the damage, your policy, and the insurer’s reasons for denial. They often identify coverage and damages that policyholders may overlook.
  • Negotiation on Your Behalf: With their expertise, public adjusters negotiate with the insurance company to secure the best possible settlement. Their involvement can significantly increase the settlement amount, reflecting a more accurate value of the claim.
  • Fee Structure: Public adjusters typically charge a percentage of the claim settlement. While this means sharing a portion of your payout, their ability to significantly increase your settlement amount can make their services a valuable investment.

Hiring a public adjuster can be a game-changer, especially in navigating complex claims and negotiations with insurance companies. They not only alleviate the stress of dealing with the claims process but also level the playing field against insurance companies, often leading to better outcomes for policyholders.

When all attempts to resolve the claim with your insurance company have failed, or if you suspect bad faith insurance practices, seeking legal assistance may be your best course of action. An attorney specializing in insurance law can offer professional advice, represent your interests, and, if necessary, pursue legal action against the insurance company.

  • Legal Expertise: An attorney can provide a legal analysis of your policy and the insurer’s actions, advising on the viability of legal action and the potential outcomes.
  • Representation: In cases of litigation, having an experienced insurance lawyer can be crucial. They will represent you in all legal proceedings, including negotiations, mediations, and court appearances, aiming to secure a fair resolution.
  • Contingency Fees: Many insurance lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case or secure a settlement. This arrangement aligns your attorney’s interests with your own but be sure to understand the terms and fees involved.
  • Bad Faith Claims: If your attorney believes the insurance company has acted in bad faith by unfairly denying your claim, you may be entitled to additional compensation beyond the original claim amount. Bad faith insurance practices can include unreasonable delays, failure to conduct a proper investigation, and denying claims without a valid reason.

Legal action should be considered a last resort due to the potential costs and time involved. However, in situations where it’s clear that the insurance company is not dealing fairly with your claim, legal intervention may be necessary to achieve justice and obtain the compensation you’re entitled to under your policy.

Before proceeding with legal action, it’s important to have a candid discussion with your attorney about the strengths and weaknesses of your case, the potential costs involved, and the likelihood of success. This will help you make an informed decision on whether to pursue litigation or explore alternative dispute resolution methods.

File a Complaint with your State’s Department of Insurance

File a Complaint with Regulators

When you’ve exhausted all other options, including direct negotiation, appeals, and possibly even the involvement of a public adjuster or legal counsel, and still find yourself at an impasse with your insurance company, filing a complaint with state insurance regulators can be an effective next step. This action signals to your insurer that you are serious about pursuing your claim and are willing to escalate the matter to obtain a fair resolution.

  • State Insurance Department: Every state has an insurance department or commission that oversees insurance operations and ensures that companies comply with state laws and regulations. These agencies can provide policyholders with an avenue to dispute claims and investigate potential violations of insurance law.
  • Filing a Complaint: The process usually involves submitting a formal complaint through the regulator’s website or via mail. You’ll need to provide detailed information about your claim, the reasons for the dispute, and any correspondence or documentation that supports your case.
  • Investigation Process: Upon receiving your complaint, the insurance regulator may initiate an investigation into your claim and the insurer’s practices. This could involve reviewing your policy, the insurer’s response to your claim, and any other relevant documents.
  • Possible Outcomes: While the regulator cannot force an insurance company to pay a claim, their intervention can prompt a more thorough review of your case by the insurer. In some cases, regulatory scrutiny can lead to a reconsideration of your claim or offer an alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

Filing a complaint with your state’s insurance regulator should be seen as a measure of last resort, used only when you believe your insurance company has not acted in good faith or has violated state insurance laws.


Navigating the refusal of an insurance company to pay a covered claim can be a challenging and often frustrating process. However, it’s important to remember that as a policyholder, you have rights and a variety of resources at your disposal to contest such decisions. By methodically reviewing your policy, engaging directly with your insurer, utilizing the appeals process, seeking assistance from professionals like public adjusters or attorneys, and, if necessary, involving state regulators, you can assert your rights and pursue the compensation you are entitled to.

The journey to resolve a disputed claim can be long and complex, requiring patience, perseverance, and a proactive approach. Each step, from reviewing your policy to potentially filing a complaint with regulators, builds upon the last, strengthening your position and enhancing your chances of a favorable outcome. It’s crucial to approach this process with a clear understanding of your policy, a well-documented case, and a readiness to seek professional advice when needed.

Remember, the goal is not just to challenge the denial of a claim but to ensure that insurance companies honor their commitments to their policyholders. By standing firm and utilizing the avenues available to you, you can navigate these challenges and work towards a just resolution. Whether through negotiation, mediation, or regulatory intervention, the persistence and informed approach outlined in this guide can help you advocate effectively for your rights and achieve the compensation you deserve.


What should I do first if my insurance claim is denied?

Begin by thoroughly reviewing your insurance policy to understand the coverage and exclusions related to your claim.

How can I effectively communicate with my insurance company about a denied claim?

Contact your insurance company to request a detailed explanation for the denial and present your case with supporting evidence.

What are the steps to file an appeal against a claim denial?

Familiarize yourself with the insurer’s appeal process, prepare a detailed appeal letter, and include all relevant evidence and documentation.

When should I consider hiring a public adjuster?

If you’re dealing with a complex claim or feel overwhelmed by the insurance process, a public adjuster can provide expertise and negotiate on your behalf.

What are my legal options if my insurance claim is unjustly denied?

Seeking legal assistance from an attorney specializing in insurance law can help you explore options like litigation or mediation.

How can filing a complaint with the Department of Insurance help?

A complaint can prompt a review by state regulators, potentially leading to reconsideration of your claim by the insurance company.


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